Hello beautiful people! I’ve been MIA, per usual, but I’m back with an outfit post! Are you holding on tight to the last days of winter fashion (like me) or are you ready to jump right into your spring wardrobe? xoxo


Green is one of my favorite colors. It truly makes me smile whenever I wear this shade (almost in a therapeutic way). The color represents numerous things, but for me I associate it with healing, protection, and peace. It is also said to provide mental & physical relaxation and treats depression; while also giving a sense of renewal, self-control and harmony. All of the things that I’ve been struggling with these last couple of months. Recently, I lost one of the loves of my life, a sibling, my older brother. It’s truly heart-wrenching to write this but I hope it will aid in healing me and perhaps someone else. It’s so painful to walk this earth knowing a piece of you is gone, but his soul lives on forever. I don’t believe I will ever truly recover, but at least I can try to continue with a brave face. My brother loved fashion just like me, and always dressed truly for himself. So, when I get dressed, I ask myself, “How would he elevate this look?” He will always be the flyest person to me. Everything seemed so trivial when he left this earthly plane and I wanted to give up on everything, but I know he would want me to continue with my dreams and be happy, so I can’t disappoint him. We will forever miss, love and honor him. I love you Baby J.


It’s been a very up and down birthday month for me. It started off rocky, with the loss of an extraordinary human spirit, that I didn’t think would hit me hard but it did. I already questioned the world as we know it, but recent events had truly left me dazed. Time waits for no man. So you have to live your truth while you still have breath in you. Whatever that truth means to you. We all have layers of truth that encompass us and make us who we are. So be kind and be just. What you give this world is what you'll get back. My birthday is always my official “new year” and the perfect time to reflect. It’s a reminder of the ticking clock and how much time you’ve already spent here. And the daunting question crosses your mind: What did you give back? I realize I’ve been living in fear. Fear of not truly finding my purpose, fear of loss and fear of the unknown. However, you can’t stress about things you can’t control, but you always have control of yourself. “Energy is time, and time is everything.” And while I’m still breathing I’m going to truly live, while also reviving my spirit one outfit at a time.


When it comes to fashion, it’s all about how you wear or style something. Wearing prints is such a fun way to showcase your personal style. I finally dabbled in the recent snake print craze, which, in my opinion, is honestly always in style (or any animal print for that matter). Snake print has been everywhere; I can’t go one day scrolling through my Instagram feed without seeing the print.

When putting together this look, I realized I barely have any prints in my closet, which is crazy because I use to be a print queen! In my early college days I was all about thrifting and finding colorful bold prints. And now I don’t even wear them. I’m trying to get back to that girl who had more fun with her style, so I was happy to create this look. The colors of this trouser is subtle but also eye-catching at the same time, so I kept the focus on it by making the top half of my outfit simple and polished. Everyone knows I love a good turtleneck, which I layered with a cord over-sized top that I used as a jacket. To add more texture to this look, I wore my furry purse from Topshop (which you definitely will be seeing a few more times lol). I absolutely love this item! Accent pieces, like this purse, bring me so much joy. Although that may seem silly to some, my style is a reflection of me. Clothes help me show the world who I am without me having to use words. Having fun and stepping outside of my comfort zone is how I want to continue choosing pieces I wear. Effervescent is my style word for 2019. What word represents your style? How do you have fun with fashion?


Its about that time of year again were a season change is soon upon us; which totally correlates with my current state of transition as well. I don't know if my upcoming milestone orbit year around the sun has anything to do with it, but I've liked my sudden "spiritual" awakening. Life isn't just going to pass me by anymore. Every day is a day to learn, explore, discover or connect with those around you. I plan to do all those things, while continuously expressing myself through my clothes. I consider this a fashion diary, more so than a blog. So, my posts are a reflection of my current mood shown through my clothes.

The color palette in this outfit are similar to my last post (clearly I love them lol) but it's a totally different energy. Green is a color I love to wear year round; it just gives a fresh look to anything you pair with it. To bring an edge to this outfit I added my faux leather pants and these AMAZING boots from Zara. It gives the illusion that the pants and boots are all one piece, giving it that rocker vibe. My trusty grey cardigan was added simply for warmth, but it definitely completed the ensemble.