Hello beautiful people! I’ve been MIA, per usual, but I’m back with an outfit post! Are you holding on tight to the last days of winter fashion (like me) or are you ready to jump right into your spring wardrobe? xoxo


Green is one of my favorite colors. It truly makes me smile whenever I wear this shade (almost in a therapeutic way). The color represents numerous things, but for me I associate it with healing, protection, and peace. It is also said to provide mental & physical relaxation and treats depression; while also giving a sense of renewal, self-control and harmony. All of the things that I’ve been struggling with these last couple of months. Recently, I lost one of the loves of my life, a sibling, my older brother. It’s truly heart-wrenching to write this but I hope it will aid in healing me and perhaps someone else. It’s so painful to walk this earth knowing a piece of you is gone, but his soul lives on forever. I don’t believe I will ever truly recover, but at least I can try to continue with a brave face. My brother loved fashion just like me, and always dressed truly for himself. So, when I get dressed, I ask myself, “How would he elevate this look?” He will always be the flyest person to me. Everything seemed so trivial when he left this earthly plane and I wanted to give up on everything, but I know he would want me to continue with my dreams and be happy, so I can’t disappoint him. We will forever miss, love and honor him. I love you Baby J.