It’s been a very up and down birthday month for me. It started off rocky, with the loss of an extraordinary human spirit, that I didn’t think would hit me hard but it did. I already questioned the world as we know it, but recent events had truly left me dazed. Time waits for no man. So you have to live your truth while you still have breath in you. Whatever that truth means to you. We all have layers of truth that encompass us and make us who we are. So be kind and be just. What you give this world is what you'll get back. My birthday is always my official “new year” and the perfect time to reflect. It’s a reminder of the ticking clock and how much time you’ve already spent here. And the daunting question crosses your mind: What did you give back? I realize I’ve been living in fear. Fear of not truly finding my purpose, fear of loss and fear of the unknown. However, you can’t stress about things you can’t control, but you always have control of yourself. “Energy is time, and time is everything.” And while I’m still breathing I’m going to truly live, while also reviving my spirit one outfit at a time.