taurus season

Another year around the sun! All praise and shout-out to the man above. It was a very exciting and shaky 2023, but that’s life! It’s so crazy to think of where I am now and how much further I have to go. This was a last-minute impromptu shoot that I decided to do a few days before my birthday. I was just like, “Why not?” Everyone should be celebrating their life more and I’m strutting my 30s with confidence, style and grace. For me, I sometimes like a fully thought-out plan, but I was just like, “You need to take quicker action on this creative thought.” (Shout-out to @YaGirlAley for this gem, full message on her socials) Sometimes, I get so caught up in thinking everything through and eventually at times not executing fully. This year it’s all about completing more creative ideas even if they don’t turn out so great!

The star of the show is this beautiful top that I bought in the pandemic for a previous birthday and I never got around to wearing (See what I said about executing lol). It’s from a woman-owned, UK-based brand @Immorallondon on Instagram. The top’s royal purple color and Victorian sleeves with the ties made this the top of my history-loving dreams. The whole look was based around this top, so I just wanted to make sure I did it justice. Usually my rule is with long sleeves on the top, I tend to want to show a bit of leg on the bottom. This buttercream yellow skirt was a perfect combination with the purple, coupled with my favorite jade necklace (second hand from RubyLane.com) and the Versace platform wedge dupes. The earrings are from the ultra talented @JeBlanc, a woman-owned sculptural jewelry brand. Overall, this look really embodied my Taurus sun sign and I think I made Venus proud.

change is in the air

Maaaannnn life really started hitting me with a mean right hook after my last post haha. I can not believe it’s been almost a year! I’m getting back into my creative bag: sewing, photography and exploring my personal style. Spring is upon us, so change is in the air. But I also just feel something different in my spirit to really just live. No more watering myself down over the fear of being perceived! Who cares? People literally are going to have something to say regardless, so stay true and do you! And friendly reminder to put that outfit on sis! My birthday is in April, which is always my official “new year”, so my mood for the year is to take more risks, explore and just have fun!

textures & tones

Making a statement is the motto for the year. Not just for my personal style but in every facet of my life. Who better to show out and show up for yourself, then you? Putting this look together was so fun! The highlight, of course, is the origami denim from a brand called Lot Number. I’ve never seen denim like this before, so they were a perfect addition to my wardrobe. To keep the theme of texture going, I paired it with this top from Zara, which I got back in 2019 right before the resurgence of the popcorn top aesthetic. Fun fact, I honestly predicted the resurgence of popcorn/texture tops back in 2016! My sister can back me up lol. Either way, I love that this vibe is back. It really adds character to a look instead of just a standard plain top. Giving a bit of pizazz without doing too much, you know? To finish off the look, I added my Fenty creepers and green tote to bring the whole look together. What do you all think of this look?