cheshire cat

The beautiful quote that the “imagination is the only weapon in the war with reality” is attributed to the infamous Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. Since my last post, my life has been a bit topsy turvy (in a good way) and I’ve truly been escaping reality in my mind. We are still in this panasonic, but I’m making due with our current reality by simultaneously building and dreaming up beautiful new ones, which helps to keep me sane. I am planning to move to a new city, which is a huge change, but something that will help me to walk this path on which I am headed. Sometimes, the unknown is exciting! No longer will I hold on to things that do not bring me joy, shrink myself, or be afraid to take a risk. Currently, I am home for the holidays spending time with family and self-reflecting. More than anything, I am just excited for what’s to come in the new year. What are your plans for the year of 2022(222) and what realities will you create?