Inspired by the many recent magazine covers that have been graced with the faces of beautiful Black women, I decided to do my own version. Who doesn't want to feel beautiful? I am still building my confidence in front of the camera especially without makeup, but I wanted to show me being comfortable in my own skin. One is so vulnerable in front of a camera, essentially baring a piece of your soul. Models deserve a little more credit. There is a certain type of patience and assurance in one's self to take photos in front of a camera, without knowing the results. I didn't want my cover version to be glamorous (even though I love the glitz), but at the end of the day I am an easy-going gal, so I wanted my photos to showcase that: effortless with a touch of drama. The drama came from my electric blue eyeliner and ruffled top; however, the eyeliner stole the show in my opinion! My smizing game is not on auntie Tyra's level yet, so the eyeliner saved my eyes from looking completely flat. My cover story would be about self-love, confidence, style and a young woman still finding herself in this world.