barbie minks

reravel (sister shoot)

A true “hobbyist” photographer is what I like to call myself. I genuinely enjoy capturing the moments of the beautiful human spirit, especially the moments of ones that I love. My sisters (a Gemini, Aquarius and Leo) are always my favorite people to shoot; even though they ARE extra with a capital “E.” However, they are some of the most original and charismatic people I know, and I am not just saying that because we are related. It truly is an honor to know them in this life and I am forever grateful. This was a test shoot for a possible business venture shot a month ago; however, it was so much fun creative directing/styling this with limited resources and time. All photos were taken by me (except the ones that I am in of course); I think the photos turned out great for this impromptu shoot! Can you guess which sister is what sign by the photos? What is one of your hobbies that truly brings you joy? I hope you all have been safe and well during this time. xoxo